Over 40 Art & Garden Festival Vendors will sell plants and original art including: painted glassware, pottery, jewelry, native Michigan perennials and ferns, several varieties of rose bushes, and many other items for home and garden.
Garden lectures by John Dusek of Faber’s Greenhouse & Floral speaking on pollinators and Thomas Trombley of the Castle Museum speaking on the History of Saginaw’s City Flower: The Peony.
NEW this Year! The peony show and competition is an opportunity to showcase your favorite bloom and compete for a cash prize. No entry fee, bring your bloom in a disposable vase, it will not be returned.
Our fresh made Strawberry Shortcake will be available for purchase and enjoy other Lunch Treats and Sweets on our front lawn by Tom’s Coffee Truck, Mijo’s and Robbie D’s food trucks.
A Silent Auction will feature plants, art, home and garden accessories, gift certificates and much more donated by our vendors and local businesses. All proceeds benefit the care and maintenance of the Lucille E. Andersen Memorial Rose Garden.
The Art & Garden Festival is proud to be a Saginaw Celebrates Summer participating partner. Presented by Hemlock Semiconductor, the summer long collaboration celebrates arts, nature and the humanities with events for the entire family to enjoy.
For further information about the Art & Garden Festival, please contact Andersen Enrichment Center at 989.759.1362, ext. 1 or email lrittenberry@saginaw-mi.com.
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