Saginaw power trio, ɨ am sunday has a five original song disc (or download) 2015 release called “Binary” packed with heartfelt music that harkens back to a time when metal was young and proudly punk. The band is tight and truly classic heavy rock with Steve Warrington II on drums that are loud enough to remind us the band is reaching for the very heart of head bangers young and old, Kurt Schade on bass and backup vocals truly in support of the lead guitar and vocals from Matt Hill, who’s vocals are like Jack White meets Jack Black without their irony. This reviewer means that as a compliment!
ɨ am sunday lyricist Matt Hill seems to be exploring what brings people together instead of what tears us apart. The title track “Binary” lyrics ask; “How can something sweet be so foul? What then do we make of it all? Its just hate is so natural right about now. Do we just grin and bear, shuffle along?”
The song “Had Enough” seems to explain many of our daily concerns that get many of us to work (or not!); “I can’t stand that all I want is things that I can’t stand. Because I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough of wanting all these things I can’t give up…”
Finally, Hill’s chorus lyrics from “Beneath The Sun” include; “…because the fallout of living, living in this world is the blessing of being one. Don’t ever, don’t ever feel alone, because everyone lives beneath the sun. The little bits of all of us conspire to connect…” Therein lays hope for any one of us.
Cleanly recorded, mixed and mastered by Eric Wojahn at Bottle Rocket Recorders in Ann Arbor. This five-song disc ends far too soon. Go ahead put it on repeat to hear where one up and coming old-school power punk rock metal trio takes you.
ɨ am sunday taglines: “Our moms' favorite band since early 2013.” & “Our wives and kids say we rock.” and this reviewer concurs, they certainly do rock!
ɨ am sunday “Binary” is a 2015 Self-release.
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