Know Your History • Origins of The Ukraine War

President Trump's Final Break with Neocon Ideology

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    icon Feb 23, 2025
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With his comments about Zelensky being a dictator and Ukraine having started the war, President Trump broke the final vestiges of longstanding neocon/military-industrial complex/Deep State control over the Presidency, which dove wild the foreign policy think takes, the establishment media, and those in the Intelligence Community who thrive on lies and graft. 

These dark forces had still hoped they could manipulate this leader of the free world to serve the interests of the War Machine.  All that ended when President Trump slaughtered every sacred cow in sight with his series of truthful assertions. 

Still smarting from Elon Musk’s public disclosure that it was among the media outlets subsidized by USAIDReuters asserted:  “Trump blames Ukraine’s Zelensky for starting war with Russia.”  CNN shouted, “Trump falsely calls Zelensky ‘a dictator.’”  Rolling Stone claimed “Trump sides with Putin.”

Who started the war?  The neocons want you to believe the war started three years ago on February 24, 2022, when Russia sent troops into Ukraine.  The neocons are hoping that the American People have a short memory of world events.  But if you look back a decade or two, you will come to a very different conclusion about who started the war, and when. 

The part of the world not saturated by the USAID-funded “independent” journalists realize that the hands of Ukraine and the West are anything but clean. 

Let’s discuss just a couple of factors that led to this war.

Broken Promises.  The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, and the Iron Curtain began to dissolve.  Numerous U.S. and western leaders promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990 that if the Soviet officials would allow the USSR to break apart, NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.”  NATO broke that promise repeatedly. 

In 1999, NATO added the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland; in 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia; in 2009, Albania and Croatia; in 2017, Montenegro; in 2020, North Macedonia.

After Russia’s invasion in 2022, NATO added in 2023, Finland; and finally in 2024, Sweden.  Yet Zelensky has charged it is Russian leaders who are “‘Pathological Liars’ Who ‘Cannot be Trusted.’”

Coup d’etat.  In February 2010, Ukrainians elected Viktor Yanukovych as President.  The United States foreign policy apparatus thought he was “too neutral,” particularly for not wanting to be tied to the European Union.  That initiated the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv in November 2013, destabilizing the duly-elected Ukrainian government through rioting and violence, and culminating in the February 18-23, 2014 “Revolution of Dignity,” which led to Yanukovych being removed as President on February 22, 2014. 

U.S. involvement could not be denied after the leak of the February 2014 conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt where Nuland was heard dictating the composition of the new government. 

Thus it came as no surprise that Russia annexed Crimea, warm-water-port home of much of the Soviet fleet, which had long been Russian, later in 2014.

An acting President was appointed until Petro Poroshenko was elected on May 25.  Poroshenko held the presidency until 2019, when Volodymyr Zelensky — a comedian and actor in a TV show “Servant of the People” playing the President of Ukraine — actually became president in 2019.

Making the events even stranger, Zelensky was the candidate of the newly-formed “Servant of the People” Party.  (That would be a lot like Martin Sheen becoming President of the United States running as the candidate of the West Wing Party.)  Zelensky was also famous for playing “Hava Nagila” on a piano with his genitals on stage. 

In one of the great curiosities of the war, Zelensky, who is Jewish, worked with and relied on the Azov Brigade, a neo-Nazi paramilitary group which displayed insignia featuring neo-Nazi symbols:  the Wolfsangel (a runic double hook) and the Sonnenrad (sun wheel).  

Russian Self-Preservation.  Is Russia’s desire for a neutral Ukraine really that remarkable?  In October 1962, the world suffered through the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russia was caught placing offensive missiles in Cuba. 

We were willing to risk World War III to prevent Russian missiles from being placed 90 miles off the Florida coastline, so is it unreasonable to consider the perspective of Russia not wanting NATO missiles being installed in neighboring Ukraine

Under President Biden, the United States provided missiles used for attacks deep into Russian Territory, and President-elect Trump criticized that action.

Almost one-fifth of Ukrainians are ethnic Russians.  Two large oblasts (or provinces) of Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk, are primarily Russian.  Yet, despite the millions of Russian-speaking persons in much of Eastern Ukraine, in 2019 Poroshenko signed a law that mandated use of the Ukranian language for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers. 

In September 2022, Russia conducted referendums in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts, where the vote supporting annexation by Russia was in the high 90 percentiles.  Such numbers appear to be shockingly high, but one must consider that Ukrainian forces had shelled and assaulted these Russian-majority oblasts for years, and citizens had appealed to President Putin to protect them. 

Finally he did. 

By the way, if you want to read the opposite side of everything in this article, just look it up on Wikipedia.  When President Trump and Elon Musk are finished exposing how U.S. money is expended, we just might learn that Wikipedia’s lavish repetition of the Deep State narrative on every subject is not accidental.

Is Zelensky a Dictator?  In November 2023, Zelensky cancelled Ukraine’s elections with the comment:  “I believe that now is not the right time for elections.”  Zelensky’s five-year term expired in March 2024, but Ukraine’s Constitution prohibits elections for president, parliament, or local offices while martial law is in effect.  Zelensky has shut down non-suppportive press, threatened to conscript opposition journalists, consolidated all media under government control, signed a law banning 11 opposition political parties, and worked to destroy the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Ukrainian government displayed no respect for freedom of the press, or the lives of Americans, as American-Chilean Gonzalo Lira, a journalist and film maker, was tortured, and eventually died in custody on January 11, 2024.  Lira had traveled to Ukraine to report on the Russia-Ukrainian War, but his videos and posts often ran counter to the official narrative pushed by the American and Ukrainian governments. 

He was arrested by the Ukrainian secret police, the Security Service of Ukraine (“SBU”), for the fabricated “crime” of producing Russian propaganda.

Siding with Putin.  President Trump said that he certainly understands why Putin would not want an armed NATO on his border.  President Trump wants to work with Putin to end the war even though Zelensky, as the nominal head of what is arguably the most corrupt government on the face of the earth, wants to keep it going. 

If being accused of siding with Putin is the price of achieving peace by ending a stupid, immensely costly, and unwinnable war, then so be it.

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