Letters to the Editor

    Posted In:
    icon Apr 28, 2016
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A Note of Appreciation

Review Magazine,

As the current President of the Board of the Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra, I would like to thank Bob Martin for delivering such informative and supportive SBSO features over the years. The recent articles relating to our Conductor Search have been fine individual profiles that have introduced us to the auditioning conductors. These articles have accurately brought us their individual backgrounds, insights, and philosophies. The exceptional programming and performances have made it a true joy to be in the audience.

The SBSO is in the midst of its 80th season. We have a reputation for being a much finer symphony orchestra than is expected in a city of our size. It is a professional arts organization that draws exceptional musicians from many regions of our state because of its quality. It has survived these eighty years by the cultural role it fills in the lives of orchestral music enthusiasts, by the diligence and commitment of those who recognize its ‘quality of life’ value, and the financial support by those who recognize its essential place in our community.

This music, these conductors, the Temple Theatre, fellow music-lovers; all converge in a live-performance experience that is unlike any other. The experience offers exhilaration, poignancy, humor, and, in general, gratitude that it is here for us to enjoy. It is music for everyone. It is easily affordable. It is here, and it is being presented and preserved for our aesthetic pleasure. To insure its future, however, it is something we must attend and, thereby, support.

In closing, sincere thanks for this valuable spotlight on our guest conductors and the ongoing support for the arts in our region,

Thank you,

Michael Brush

SBSO Board President


Retired Music Educator



The Under 30’s are Rising to Power & the Clintons Aren’t Invited

Dear Editor;

Apparently establishment power did not get the memo in 2008 that people do not want nor will they tolerate another Bush or Clinton.  Well, maybe they did get the part about Bush.  Why should people vote for a fake Republican like Clinton when they can vote for a certifiable real-deal fire and brimstone openly bigoted Republican like Trump that is not ashamed to be public and honest about his donors and real intentions?

In my estimation, Older Democrats are in for a big November surprise, because the Clinton family machine has rigged democracy in the ongoing primaries.  I think they are counting on the age-old fear factors in the Democratic Party that have always worked so well for them:  “party bosses” and “the best of 2 evils” concepts.  But this is the generation that will school the Democrats once and for all that young folks need to be taken seriously as a force of change.

Democrats over 40 tend to dismiss this under 30 crowd, thinking they are as naive and sedated, as they themselves were.  And that I predict will be their downfall.  The generation born in the eighties and nineties are stepping out to fulfill what their parent's generation was supposed to do during their time in the spotlight; before they got sidetracked, comfortable, drunk and fell asleep at the wheel, slipping into the ditch of conformity and domestication.

I would not at all be surprised that if Bill and Hillary’s Democratic Party machine, which has systematically shut out their competing candidate by rigging the game, will finally result in a situation come November that will prove to the world there is zero tolerance for corruption, even if it means costing Democrats the election for 8 years and a Supreme Court seat or 2.

I predict this is that generation that has run out of patience trying to make change politely; and will not accept the shameful and embarrassing sellout of their soul that their parent's generation did. 

This generation reminds me of the generation that wrestled power in Washington out of the hands of the Robber Barons and demanded FDRs “New Deal” compromise.  It was a situation where the ‘powers that be’ at that time either accepted a newly imposed offer, or they would lose their power and possibly their families throats (aka) the French and Russian revolutions. 

They never mention that is really how the New Deal came about in our history books, do they?  But I believe history is repeating itself, as it has in every 80-year cycle since the history of our country began.

Stay tuned, film at 11:00.

Charles N. Taylor


The Review welcomes your letters & comments. Send all correspondence to editor@review-mag.com





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