Madeline Ann Day known as Maddy Day finally has her debut disc ready to share with the world on her self-titled “Madeline Ann” cd. Day offers clear, quiet vocals, guitar and percussion. Producer Dan Vaillancourt covers bass and percussion and Paul Friensen-Carper is cellist.
This album of Day’s nine original songs with ever so sparse arrangements offers a quiet entry into her young heart. She seems to have a handle on what’s most important in life, as evidenced with her lyrics on with Your Intoxication: “Ohh, you better stand back / cause when you’re around / I can’t breathe to save my life / I go weak / weak in my knees / Even though I know you’ll leave / leave me / Your intoxication is overwhelming / infuriating and aggravating me / Your intoxicant captivating / So why don’t you leave? / Why don’t I want you to leave?” A tale told as only a wise teenage lover can describe.
“Stolen Heart” offers the telling chorus; “Years ago you stole my heart and you still haven’t given it back / Once you break it, you buy it / And that’s a fact” with an expected twist at the end proving all facts can change. Love is her primary motivation as a songwriter.
The song “Everywhere” is an exercise in empathy of her mourning cousin who lost her husband; “He’s everywhere in this house / haunting me like a tortured soul / Caught between heaven and hell / He’s is everywhere in this house / He’s in the books he used to read to me / He’s in his guitar that’s still here / He used to play sweet music for me / Why did the music stop?” Learning that letting go doesn’t mean one loves the deceased less is a lesson many far older need to learn.
Maddy Day has a future that looks and sounds much brighter than loss and mere puppy or summer loves. This debut offers listeners her toolkit into a pop folk sound that’s nearly smooth jazz.
I look forward to whatever may intoxicate Maddy Day next!
Find “Madeline Ann” at her Bandcamp site.
Produced, recorded and mixed by Dan Vaillancourt of Midland, Michigan. Mastered by John Ursla, Sound Major.
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Trish Lewis - Music Reviewer, Producer of “The Eclectic Chair” podcast.
Trish Lewis is a music reviewer, blogger, and producer of ‘The Eclectic Chair’ podcast. She was a producer at a local NPR affiliate radio station for nearly a decade before going out on her own. You can catch her podcast at
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