The 2023 Festivus Report • Exposing $900 Billion in Government Waste

    icon Dec 27, 2023
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As we gather with family and friends this holiday season there is much to digest when it comes to the absurd amount of government waste and spending that continues to cripple our country and rob the American Dream of the oxygen essential to its survival.

On December 26th Senator Rand Paul released his 9th Annual Festivus Report documenting a whopping $900 billion dollars of jaw-dropping wasteful government spending, which includes an NIH grant to study Russian cats walking on a treadmill, Barbie dolls used as proof of ID for receiving COVID Paycheck Protection Program funds, $6 million to promote tourism in Egypt, an $200 million to support struggling artists like Post Malone, Chris Brown and Lil Wayne, which should serve as a serious wake-up call to all of us as we enter this pivotal 2024 Election year.

Since last year’s Festivus Report, in one short year Washington career politicians and bureaucrats have managed to raise our national debt from $30 trillion to $34 trillion without so much as a second thought. 

This year members of Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling, which empowered the government to borrow an unlimited amount of money until 2024, allowing Congress to continue to reward its favored industries and pet projects, with American taxpayers forced to pay the price through record high inflation and crippling interest rates.

The Congressional Budget Office predicts we will add an average of $2 trillion in debt annually for the next decade. The U.S. government will add over $5 billion of debt every single day for the next ten years. We borrow over $200 million every hour, we borrow $3 million every minute, and we borrow $60,000 every second, liquidating our hopes for prosperity with each second that ticks by.

Here’s a breakdown of the most dubious expenditures topping the list:

• Barbie Doll Photos Used to Get COVID PPP Funds. When Congress approved the $800 billion COVID Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds and federal agencies hustled to get the funds out quickly, it came as no surprise when swindlers rushed the line to get their share of COVID cash.

In this instance, what was supposed to be an AI system to verify proof of identity did not catch images of Barbie dolls uploaded by fraudsters along with their applications; and somehow the Small Business Administration carelessly approved the applicants from Toyland and sent out improper COVID-19 PPP payments.  The amount actually received by these applicants is unknown.

• $332 Million to Run NIH’s ‘Monkey Island’. What’s known to South Carolina locals as “Monkey Island” is Dr. Fauci’s 3,000-monkey colony, raised on a state-owned island. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) signed a $33.2 million contract with a local business to house, feed, and care for these monkeys before they’re shipped to research labs around the country.

The federal government established the colony in the late 1970s, though the multi-million dollar contract to care for the monkeys changed hands a few times. NIH also paid millions to a large pharmaceutical company to maintain Dr. Fauci’s Monkey Island. Monkey business is a big business.

• $6 Million to Boost Egyptian Tourism. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) approved spending $6 million to boost tourism in Egypt, which it promotes as a “value investment in sustainable integrated tourism.” USAID’s multi-million-dollar VISIT-Esna initiative will run through September 2024. The U.S. has spent over $100 million on Egyptian tourism so far. What’s next – rebuilding the pyramids?

Russian Cats On a Treadmill Studies • Funded by Part of a $2.7 Million NIH Grant. After having their brain stems snipped, Russian cats were forced to walk on a treadmill in Russian labs. This is all thanks to U.S. taxpayers footing the bill. Russian scientists, funded with your money, posted videos of their cat-walk studies, which showed shaved cats hooked up to electrodes and struggling to walk on a treadmill. These cat-walks were part of a $2.7 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant given to a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. The Institute then sub granted the funds to researchers in St. Petersburg, Russia — a fact first uncovered by White Coat Waste Project in 2021.

The Government Paid $38 Million to Dead People. U.S. officials testified that another $38 million in COVID payments — an average of $83,000 each — went to people Uncle Sam knew were dead.

The figures came from the special task force Congress authorized to track COVID payments from the federal government. Specifically, $10 million was paid to individuals who were already dead on the date someone applied for funding. The government doled out $1.3 million of your money to 30 individuals who were dead for at least a year, in what fraud inspectors deemed one of the “particularly egregious example.

Of course, those destitute music industry celebrities also got a huge piece too. like Post Malone ($60 million net worth) and Chris Brown ($50 million net worth), who both received $10,000,000.

And unsurprisingly, since Anthony Fauci has been a pronounced blight on the public sector for decades, we saw receipts in this year's report for a considerable amount of nasty animal experimentation. Where is PETA when you actually need them? In one NIH- funded study, monkeys were drugged with meth, then tracked with the implanted wires “running ‘subcutaneously from the head incision to the eye orbit, exiting the eye orbit from underneath the upper eyelid.’”

In addition to the above, here’s the rest of the dubious giveaways: 

DOD’s LobsterTank…….$8,395

How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Part 1: Engines……$89,000,000 

How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Pt.2: Transmissions $12,600,000

How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Pt. 3: Tank Treads… $68,000,000 

“Real Fake”: DHS’s 1st Graphic Novel About Disinformation……. .Unknown

DHS’s 2nd Graphic Novel: COVID Disinformation…………..………. Unknown

NIH’s Meth-Head Monkeys……………………………….   portion of $12,000,000

Treasury’s Pot of Cash for Political Campaigns………………….  $400,000,000

NIH’s Monkey Casino: Gambling for Drinking Water……portion of $3,700,000

SBA’s Ticket  to Backstage…………………………………….  …….$200,000,000

Studying COVID-19 “Misinformation” On Social Media In Black & Rural Communities…$3,800,000 

Dr. Fauci’s Transgender Monkey Study………………………………...$477,121

Whoopsie: Improper Federal Payments………………….  …..236,000,000,000

FLASHBACK: The Government Likes Its Gambling Monkeys…….  $171,000

$900,000,000,000 divided by 330,000,000 citizens means each American could have had an extra $2,700 dollars in their pockets were it not for these unbelievably absurd expenses.

If we split the cost by each taxpayer we find that each of us was forced to burn around $5,500 dollars.

As the ruling Washington elite continues to push their agenda of banning our small household appliances and demand we lower our standard of living and forgo modern amenities to stop a climate “emergency,” while buying massive pieces of kitchen equipment so they can dine on fresh lobster,  one thing we should all be agreeing upon as we enter 2024 is that this is the year we need to stop this nonsense and make serious change happen if we have any hope of forging a prosperous future.









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